It is super normal to feel nervous when your microblading appointment is approaching. I wanted to give you a brief insight into what to expect so you can hopefully put your mind at ease. A Microblading appointment typically consists of the consultation and first session on the same day. 

This is because the measuring and drawing stages on the brow can take quite a lot of time, therefor once the shape is perfect it’s best to get started right away, rather than return at a later date and repeat the process all over again. Depending on your artist, your first appointment typically takes anywhere from 2-3 hours. That does sound like a great deal of time yes! but.. there are a lot of steps that we like to go through precisely - without any pressure of time of course.

Here are the steps of our artists at Your Eyes Only:

Step one - consultation: We will discuss your brow goals and assess your current brows and skin type to create your treatment plan. Once we have made a selection on the technique and style that will suit your best, we then discuss colour options. There are over 30 shades of pigments so your brow artist will spend time mixing up a colour that will suit you and your individual needs. This is where all of the details of the treatment will be discussed with you, as well as showing you the shape and colour recommendations.

Step two - numbing: Numbing creams take around 10-20 minutes to take effect, depending on your skin type. This will mean you are nice and comfortable during your procedure.

Step three - the microblading: Once you are numb, your artist will get to work adding hair-like strokes to your brows.

This part of the treatment takes around 1-1.5 hours. You will feel a mild scratching sensation very similar to the intensity of plucking. Each individual stroke is carefully added to the brow so that the results imitate the natural appearance of an eyebrow.

Step four - final checks: We will check your new brows to ensure that each stroke is perfect.

The skin will be slightly red and can have mild swelling which lasts around 20 minutes for the redness, and a day or two for the swelling. However, it is not usually noticeable to others and can be covered with make-up if needed.

Step five - aftercare: Special balm along with your aftercare instructions will be applied and given to you to take home. Depending on your skin type, you will be instructed on what to do for the next few days so that your brows have the best possible outcome. Typically microblading requires a touch-up session. This is because microblading is only very superficial, and during the healing, your skin can reject some of the ink.

Your touch-up is performed 6 weeks after your initial session, and any adjustments to the colour that are needed will be made.

Adjustments to the shape and hair strokes will also be made during this appointment. This can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours depending on the amount of work that needs to be done.

Our artists aim for very natural results. We will use very light pressure on your first session, then add to the brows on your touch-up in areas that have not held the pigment. 

This is to ensure a great natural-looking result.


