Microblading is our best-kept secret to change people’s lives, take away the fuss of penciling in your brows every day, or catch a glimpse in the mirror hours later to notice your brows have washed off. Microblading shaves a good 20 minutes off your morning routine, giving you some extra sleep time! You have most likely seen the fabulous before and after photos online, which is leaving out the part of the healing process. 

The healing process can be a little daunting if you’re not sure what to expect, so we wanted to give you a day-by-day snapshot into what to expect with Microblading treatments - so there are no surprises along the way! The procedure itself is only about 50% of the true microblading result, the next 30 - 60 days after are where your results will start to settle in.

So for anyone considering a procedure, and for artists who want to show their clients what they can expect during healing, below is the real experience of the healing process for the first month.

For a detailed look at our aftercare instructions as per Racheal’s Recommendation see our blog post on Pre-care & Aftercare.

  • On Day 1, you're excited. You come into the studio with patchy uneven brows, or no brows at all and voila, you come out with legitimate hair strokes that you want to show off to the world. They look full, a little bit red, but it’s a world of a difference, you feel like a changed person. Your brows are bold in coloUr. If you aren’t used to filling them in a lot, they will look slightly more dramatic in appearance than normal this is because the microblading strokes will look sharper and more defined.

    If you usually go red from a brow wax, chances are the same thing will happen with Microblading. You can be slightly red for 2-24 hours after your treatment. As the pigment is exposed to air. The colour drys out which makes it appear darker. We also need to factor in that you loose 20-40% in the healing, so this is why the brows start off slightly bolder.

  • Your hair strokes will still be slightly darker and the brows may be slighter red and tender. This is completely normal. You may really notice the difference in your brows and feel like people are looking at them, but chances are you’re more self-conscious about it rather than people noticing them being darker than normal.

  • By day 3, you shouldn’t notice a huge difference from the previous two days, if anything, the tenderness will start to subside, the pigment in the brows can look slightly thicker, this is the next stage of healing kicking in. At this point, you’ll probably be loving the convenience of getting up and having instant brows without the hassle of having to create them yourself!

  • Day 5 is when things start to change. This can be the turning point in the healing process, where your brows are getting itchy and it is advised to NOT scratch them, as this May Disrupt the healing. Your brows can get a little dry and flakey, and the fine hair-strokes that were created may be hidden. You may feel like you want to start panicking.

  • If your brows are going to get dry and flakey, this is that stage it may happen. The top layer of the pigment comes away. Which will make your brows appear a lot lighter. Tour brows may be itchy (a sign of healing) and you can be tempted to scratch.

    Don’t give in to this temptation, it could affect your healing very negatively. If you pick it, you could lose pigment that was deposited into the skin and could end up with a holy, patchy eyebrow.

    By gently rinsing the area regularly the scabs will slowly start to fall off - when they’re ready. The phase can be the hardest. The deposited colour underneath will be settling into the skin.

    If you want to read more o the pre and post-care to prevent scabbing and fading, you can read it here - pre-post care blog

  • Your hair strokes will probably be all flaked off or flaking off on their own by this point and you’ll start to see the end of the healing. But because the skin has not completely healed underneath, there may still be some cause for concern. The colour during these days may seem way too light and missing in sections. You might feel like your skin didn’t take the pigment, but that’s not the case. They’ll almost look like you’ve filled them in with a powder, so again just remain as calm as possible and begin to start enjoying the fact that your eyebrows are done for you every morning.

  • Healing is almost complete! Yay! You’re almost there. The colour and definition of the hair-strokes will return at this point. The colour is beginning to even out and look more natural and brow-like. People you tell about the procedure won’t even believe that it’s a tattoo. It’s truly amazing. You’ll be settling into your new shortened makeup routine - oh and those waterproof brow beach days? Amazing.

  • Your healing process is complete! Your skin is completely healed and all colours are looking great. They should look soft and natural. This is the point where you’ll be able to tell if there is anything you want to add or change, there could be a couple of spots from loss of pigment, which is all dependent on how well your skin took the pigment, but this is OKAY because your follow-up appointment should be just around the corner!

    Racheal suggests not to come back for your second visit for 6-12 weeks. This is how we make sure that the skin and colour are completely healed before trying to assess what needs to be added too.

    The process was not as scary as I was worried about. The aftercare was relatively easy - other than keeping them dry, however, Racheal gave me tips on how to shower and wash my face to avoid getting the brows wet, which made the process so much easier.

  • All of the gaps that came off in the healing have been filled. And my brows look defined again! So happy with the results.

    Now I see Racheal once a year to keep the hair strokes maintained.

    To find out more about the Micro-blading process and if it’s suited to you! Fill out our online consultation HERE
