The Beauty Club
The Beauty Club
The Beauty Club
Your Eyes Only
Discover a world of access and exclusive rewards that take your brow and lash experience to the next level.
Your Loyalty, Our Gratitude
Welcome to The Beauty Club by Your Eyes Only, where every purchase rewards you with points and benefits. As a valued member of our loyalty program, you'll enjoy a range of personalised services, experiences and discounts that elevate your brow and lash experience, with our compliments.
Reward Points With Purchase
Each time you visit Your Eyes Only, you will automatically accumulate points to the YEO club, which you can use and redeem off our carefully curated services and luxury upgrades.
$1 spent = 1 reward point
Complimentary Upgrades and Gifts
As a cherished member of our loyalty program, unlock a world of incredible upgrades and gifts hand-selected to complement your service and experience. From limited edition services to brow and lash-enhancing products, we thank you for choosing YEO with The Beauty Club Program.
Exclusive Access
Join our YEO beauty community for exclusive access to our latest services and product launches. Be the first to access our seasonal rewards club offers before anyone else.
How to Join
Please ask us at your appointment to activate your program and begin accumulating points and rewards. It costs nothing, and your next appointment will automatically begin to accumulate points.
With compliments,
The Your Eyes Only Team.