Everything you need to know about getting your brows tattooed

Before and after microblading images

If you’ve been looking at your thinning brows and thinking about looking for a semi-permanent option but are unsure where to start, we’re about to break down everything you must know before getting your brows tattooed. 

What exactly is involved in getting your brows tattooed? 

The process involves making your brows appear fuller by applying semi-permanent pigment in either a microblading (hair stroke) or ombre (powdered look) technique. Your artist will create the shape of your brows in proportion to your facial features so they look as natural as possible, and typically the goal is to give you a fuller shape and definition. The procedure takes around 2 hours, including the design of the shape, colour matching, the tattooing, and going through your maintenance plan. At Your Eyes Only we use very natural techniques and have a less-is-more approach, so no one can tell that your brows are tattooed; they just look like your own brows!

Is getting your brows tattooed the same as body tattooing? Is it permanent?

No, Firstly, the techniques used for cosmetic tattooing are different from body tattooing. Cosmetic tattooing uses a semi-permanent pigment, designed to fade over time, whereas body tattooing uses a lifelong pigment. This means that with your brows, the colour will fade over time, typically needing a colour refresh anywhere from 18 months - 5years. 

The main differences between the two are the pigments used, as explained above, and the depth of the treatment. Cosmetic tattooing is superficial, applied to the upper layers of the skin, whereas body tattooing is deep in the dermis, where the pigment is trapped under the skin and can't move. 

Will eyebrow tattooing turn blue or pink over time?

Cosmetic tattoo pigments have advanced so much over the years and are constantly improving. Years ago, certain pigments would fade and leave colour in the brow; in recent years, pigments have been designed to fade as true to colour as possible. This is so you can avoid seeing any colour tones in the brow as the colour fades in the skin.

Upon your appointment, we will determine your skin undertones so that the pigment used compliments the reflections in your skin colour. We use the Fitzpatrick scale to determine your base and then add complimentary toners to your shade so that your colour lasts as long as possible. 

How do I know if getting my brows tattooed is the right option for me?

If you feel your brows are thinning, sparse, and patchy and nothing else seems to be working (eyebrow tinting and eyebrow pencil/makeup), then you may be a great candidate for cosmetic tattooing. Eligibility for microblading depends on your skin and brow type, which your artist will determine. This is done during your initial consultation, which can be done in person or online by filling out this form and sending photos of your brows.

When is the best time to make an appointment?

The best time to get your brows tattooed is when you can avoid submerging the area in water for a little over a week so the brows can heal fabulously. 

There is no downtime per se, so you will not need to hide away from regular outings and work commitments. Your normal day make-up can also be applied straight after, as long as you avoid the tattooed area directly.

What maintenance is involved after getting your brows tattooed?

There are typically two initial appointments for getting your brows done: the first session and then a follow-up to make any adjustments. From here, the brows can last anywhere from 18 months to 5 years. We recommend keeping your brows out of direct sun exposure to keep the colour looking vibrant. You can also apply SPF straight over the area when you’re going to have a beach day.

Once your brow tattoo has faded by 50% or more, it’s time to get the colour topped up. 

Your existing brow hair will continue to grow as normal and is not affected by the tattooing. Some clients return to get their brows trimmed and waxed for maintenance so they look as groomed as possible, whereas others who have found their hair had stopped growing before the tattooing may pluck the odd hair at home as their brows require no maintenance at all.

Ready to get started and say goodbye to sparse brows? Start your journey here.


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